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IQ scale

What do IQ scores mean? After passing the test, you should receive a numerical value of your intelligence level. The average IQ level is 100. Below is a table with the main ranges of IQ values.

IQ range  IQ classification %of population
130 and above Very gifted 2%
120–129 Gifted 6%
110–119 Above average intelligence 16%
90–109 Average intelligence 52%
80–89 Below average intelligence 16%
70–79 Well below average intelligence 6%
69 and below Cognitively impaired 2%

Most people (about ⅔ of the total population) have an average intelligence value. The highest IQ category is 130 and above. This value is about 2% of the total population. Likewise, about 2% of the total population scores less than 70.

It should be noted that most tests have a margin of error in determining the results. In order to minimize errors in the assessment of intelligence, the worldiqtest.com team collected test data for several years. This ensures the most accurate results. The only factor that we cannot control is the circumstances in which you take the iq test.